Zábavný pořad Osmanyho Laffity: Vstupenky a termíny vystoupení

Přijďte se pobavit na zábavný pořad Osmanyho Laffity! Sledujte naše vystoupení, užijte si kávu u Osmanyho a nezapomeňte na vánoční speciály. Zjistěte termíny a zakupte si vstupenky na nezapomenutelný zážitek plný smíchu a zábavy!

5/8/20241 min čtení

A large outdoor stage setup on a body of water features an oversized clown face. On either side of the stage, there are giant sculptural hands, one holding a balloon. The stage is surrounded by water and there is seating available in the foreground.
A large outdoor stage setup on a body of water features an oversized clown face. On either side of the stage, there are giant sculptural hands, one holding a balloon. The stage is surrounded by water and there is seating available in the foreground.

Zábava, Vystoupení, Káva